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Why a DPF Delete on a 6.7 Cummins Can Be a Life-Saving Option

Today, we will discuss why and how a DPF/EGR/DEF delete on your 2007-2022 Cummins equipped truck can save your lives in case a Nuclear Attack with/or an EMP hits the Earth or a societal breakdown thru a bank run happens or all of it together.

What is a EMP and what effect will it have?
The same applies to Nuclear attacks or Bank runs and the following economical/societal breakdowns

For all not knowing what an EMP is, here a short explanation: A so-called EMP is an electromagnetic pulse created either natural from our sun or man made trough a Nuclear Bomb ignited into stratosphere which can destroy most or all of our electric and electronic devices we use in our daily life. The second reason, man made Nuclear Attac is the most probable.

Dodge RAM in the desert

This means all power plants, transformers and all-electric tools which we use in our company and our households and even most of the newer cars that have electronic ignition and electronic Engine Control Management are dead. So if you don’t own a very old vehicle manufactured before 1990 what will not get hit and destroyed from an EMP we at this moment will try to explain to you why the RaceME tuners are so crucial for you in case of such an event. An EMP can be a natural event coming from the sun or a human-made coming from an atomic explosion in the stratosphere.

If a strong EMP happens all extraction, refinement and distribution of fossil fuels will stop, possibly even for years but you can run the 6,7 Cummins DPF deleted engine with all combustion able oils like Hydraulic oil, Transformer oil, transmission oil, vegetable oils and even filtered old engine oil IF the DPF is removed.

Can you run oil with Common Rail system?

Some will tell you the CR (Common Rail) system will not tolerate this oil’s but this is not true, true is that since the diesel is „low sulfur“ the lubricating of this fuel is much less compared to the fuel we had earlier and all the oils above make far better lubrication as the actual diesel. So your only concern is filtration and your engine will run as before. WE HAVE TESTED THIS!! Blending this oils with Diesel fuel is always a good idea, but even using it to 100%  is no problem if the viscosity is high. All of this is also valid for every other modern Diesel engines like the VW, Duramax or Ford engines as long the DPF is removed.

Important to know:

What MUST be done to use this oil’s is removing the DPF because it would die fast and clog the exhaust system without this „low sulfur“ diesel. Removing the DPF without our RaceMe 6.7 delete program would bring up a message on display showing „truck will stop after 200 miles“ and as soon you have reached this mileage your truck will not function anymore if you have not done the DPF delete with our programmer before.
If you don’t want to modify your truck now for use on the street because not wanting to break a emission law you should have our tuner in spare in case the above scenario gets reality tomorrow.
Of course you would have to store the programmer into a EMP save box if you don’t do the DPF delete in the next time.

Each owner of a Dodge 6.7 Cummins equipped truck from 2007 to 2022 should think about deleting EGR DPF and DEF with our software to be able to burn all combustion able oils what are available in times of great despair. It makes a big difference to be mobile or to be not mobile.
Or imagine there is no DEF fluid available anymore. After the last drop was consumed your truck will show a message on dash that after 200Miles it will not start anymore. This means that if there is no DEF available  all trucks from MY2013 on what are in best condition will quit running and are complete worthless without DEF. Don’t think to get a dealer flash to let truck run without DEF (or DPF) in such times, it will not happen.

A second ECM is also recommended:

If your Truck was hit from the EMP and your Trucks ECM got burned up there is a chance to restore it with a spare ECM.
Therefore a  additional safety would be to have a spare ECM in a EMP save box for use after such an event. If you buy a new or used ECM you MUST program it with our tuner before you store it on a save place or you can not remove the DPF without getting the „truck will stop after 200 miles“ message and the following complete loss of the truck because no one would be able to provide you with new working parts or software.

Conclusion from this topic:

Back to our main theme and what you can do to shield your truck from an EMP.
Having a EMP shielded garage seems to be the only answer, there are plenty of articles how to convert your garage or Q-Hut into a EMP protected garage. If such a modern truck gets hit in the open air from a EMP it’s fried up, giving here tips for any grade of protection would be a delusion.

Dodge 6.7 Cummins

The 2007 on Dodge trucks have plenty of microelectronics, the most sits within the ECM module as the engine management and transmission management. Only the 2007-09 trucks have a separate TCM (transmission control module) so having a spare ECM would really be a good idea. Having also some spare parts like U-joints, water pump, serpentine belt and starter is also recommended. Think about all parts what you have to replace year after year like air filter, oil filter, engine oil, transmission oil, brake pads and so on. Have this parts in spare!!

Dodge RAM 6.7 Cummins

This article was not written to make fear; it was written to give you a hint on how to protect your modern truck and for using it even if no fossil fuel is available on gas stations anymore.

It’s crucial that the truck undergoes deletion (No DPF/EGR/SCR). Removing these so-called “Emission Parts” is essential. Diesel particulate filters, in reality, act as miniature incinerators known as “trap oxidizers” without adequate emissions regulation. Not only do they emit significantly higher particulate levels during regeneration cycles, but their emissions are also more toxic to cells compared to non-DPF exhaust due to various chemical reactions and secondary combustion. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency made a grave mistake by mandating them, and the DC Court of Appeals should have reconsidered. Furthermore, Congress should have recognized the extreme dangers they pose and banned them. To better understand the importance of removing the “Emission Parts,”


Prepare you, your Family and Car. We are living in very dangerous times and more than ever it looks as a Nuclear War is possible soon.
Be safe and good luck,

Michael with Racemeofficial team,

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